WhatsApp Messenger + Calling 2.11.561 APK Terbaru 2015 - DOWNLOAD GAME APLIKASI


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Rabu, 11 Maret 2015

WhatsApp Messenger + Calling 2.11.561 APK Terbaru 2015

Free Download WhatsApp Messenger + Calling 2.11.561 APK Terbaru 2015: Pada kesempatan kali ini saya akan share WhatsApp Messenger dengan fitur terbarunya. Fitur baru "WhatsApp Calling" tersedia dalam versi ini. Tapi, Sobat tidak dapat memanggil sebelum Sobat mendapat telepon dari orang-orang lain yang telah memiliki fitur ini. Tapi, pihak WA dapat membantu Sobat sehingga Anda dapat menggunakan fitur tersebut. Sobat hanya perlu menghubungi mereka di formulir kontaknya, lalu mengirimkan nomor WA Sobat dan kemudian mereka akan menghubungi Sobat.

Features of WhatsApp Messenger + Calling 2.11.561 APK
  • NO HIDDEN COST: Once you and your friends download the application, you can use it to chat as much as you want.
  • MULTIMEDIA: Send Video, Images, and Voice notes to your friends and contacts.
  • GROUP CHAT: Enjoy group conversations with your contacts.
  • NO INTERNATIONAL CHARGES: Just like there is no added cost to send an international email, there is no cost to send messages internationally.
  • SAY NO TO PINS AND USERNAMES: Why even bother having to remember yet another PIN or username? It works with your phone number, just like SMS would, and integrates flawlessly with your existing phone address book.
  • NO NEED TO LOG IN/OUT: No more confusion about getting logged off from another computer or device. With push notifications it is ALWAYS ON and ALWAYS CONNECTED.


Download WhatsApp Messenger + Calling 2.11.561 APK
  • WhatsApp Messenger + Calling 2.11.561 | Mediafire
  • File Size: 16.2 MB

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