Free Download Battery Aid 2.5.apk Terbaru: Battery Aid merupakan aplikasi untuk mengatur penggunaan daya baterai. Aplikasi ini tidak menggunakan daya baterai lebih karena aplikasi ini akan aktif saat sobat menghidupkan Wifi, Bluetooth, atau data.
- Automatically turn off Wifi / Bluetooth / Data, when not in use (Connected) for the given period.
- Toggle System auto-Sync.
- Beautiful new Material Design, animations, and no ads
- Automatic help on low battery.
- Reminders of good times to charge, such as when battery is low at bed time.
- Simple Screen controls to quickly lower brightness and save battery.
- Option to automatically turn on Bluetooth in a Car Dock.
- Available in: English, Spanish, French, Italian, and Dutch (Thanks For All Contributor). If you would like to add or update translations, klik disini
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(Size: 2 Mb)
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