HoverChat (formerly Ninja SMS) v2.2.3 Full Apk - DOWNLOAD GAME APLIKASI


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Minggu, 04 Januari 2015

HoverChat (formerly Ninja SMS) v2.2.3 Full Apk

Yang Baru version 2.2.3 Update 1 Januari 2015
New updates:
Bug fixes and stability improvements
HoverChat (formerly Ninja SMS) adalah apliaksi pengembang Messaging (SMS) yang dulunya dikenal sebagai Ninja SMS, fungsi HoverChat hampir sama dengan Ninja SMS yakni aplikasi Messaging (SMS) yang memudahkan anda untuk mengirim / menerima SMS kapan pun di perangkat android anda meski ketika anda sedang menonton video / main game di handphone anda tanpa harus menutup video / game yang sedang anda tonton dan mainkan. aplikasi menjawab keluhan sebagian pengguna android yang merasa risih ketika menerima sms ketika mereka sibuk dengan gadgetnya.
★ Multiple floating windows at the same time
★ Drag and drop windows anywhere with ease
★ Collapse mode helps minimize popups for easy access anytime
★ Anti-NSA mode: Encrypt messages while sending to contacts so your phone carrier or government cannot read it... Ninja Style!
★ Option to save messages on your phone encrypted to prevent other apps reading your SMS messages
★ Emoji Support :)
★ Notification animation for new incoming messages in minimized chat windows
★ Maximize mode allows you to switch to full texting mode in an instant
★ Transparency mode to help you view other windows in the background as you read and reply to messages
★ Settings panel lets you control which contacts the app will show popups for
★ 1 easy switch to enable and disable anytime
★ Efficient battery usage so you can keep the popups open as long as you want
★ Elegant design and graphics
HoverChat lets you have similar popup features as Facebook's new "Chat Heads" feature without needing to replace your current launcher. Plus, we support all phones 2.2+ already :) (including HD devices such as Samsung Galaxy S 4, Sony Z, HTC One X etc.)

HoverChat (formerly Ninja SMS) - screenshot  HoverChat (formerly Ninja SMS) - screenshot
HoverChat (formerly Ninja SMS) - screenshot  HoverChat (formerly Ninja SMS) - screenshot HoverChat (formerly Ninja SMS) - screenshot

Developer               : Ninja Apps
License / Price        : 47.000
Size                          :  10mb
Size / OS                  : Android 4.0 and up
Last Updated          : 1 Januari 2015

Lihat di  : Google Play


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